Conference “Creativity and innovations in dramatic arts, media and cultural production: visions and values for the future” (online) > 17-19/11


On the occasion of 60-years jubilee of the department for Management and Production in Theater, Radio and Culture, Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade is organizing an international scientific conference “Creativity and innovations in dramatic arts, media and cultural production: visions and values for the future”.

After a whole year of the global and the crises caused by the pandemic of the corona virus, it has become clear that this situation will have long-standing implications to all areas of life, including the field of artistic and creative production and management, media and culture. In relation to that, challenges closely tied with the need of transforming the existing and establishing new models and practices in the field of arts, culture and media have shown up. They have emphasized the need to develop new forms of working and producing, which rely on creativity and innovations.

In this context, the conference is aiming to map and present current state of affairs and the main challenges culture, media and dramatic arts are facing today. Also, this event will contribute to proposing feasible solutions and advancing and promoting new ideas and suggestions for: management, entrepreneurship, business models, cultural development and education, all through the prism of creativity and innovations.

The conference program will be realized online, and is conceptualized as an interdisciplinary platform for discussing innovations, trends and problems, as well as practical challenges and solutions in cultural management and policy, theater and media production. It will gather the leading experts, researchers and academics in order to exchange experience as well as research results on the topics of contemporary production and management in dramatic arts, media and culture.

Access the full programme here. Zoom links for accessing the sessions are available in the Conference’s Agenda, here.

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